Saturday, May 15, 2010

ramdom update..

just a simple update here..
today is just another normal saturday..bored..
just came back from badminton match with some bitches..
well im still the best among them..hahaha..

im going to shu yuan's birthday party later
ili bit lazy to go..cus someone is not going..
if she is going why am i still lazy?haha

and..another thing is..
tomorrow is me and her 2nd month anniversary^^
and f**k i still dont know how tomorrow she and some friend come to my new house
cus my dad and mom are very busy about our maid thing..

me and my bii been 2 months togather now..and i believe..we can go very very far togahter^^
love her so much cant even stop thinking of her every sec..
you are mine and i'm yours now^^



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