Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Time past so fast..

well, this is my first time blogging..
so i dont know much how all of these work..its ok, i'll get use to it..

time past in a blink of an eye, getting faster each year..
almost middle of the year now and im still "sleeping"
got to catch up on my studies of not i'm dead..because someone keep on ask me to study hard^^

and about "her"...i'm just so thankful to have her in my life now..
im madly in love with her..yesterday..something stupid happend..
she dint reply my msg and pick up my phone calls..
which makes me really seriously gone crazy!
i feel like i've lost her...that feeling is so crazy..
i cant smile at all, no strength, my hands are shaking..
but than she replied me after a few hours..
i felt so relieved...she is there..^^
i can finally smile...............
that type of feeling is so weird...i cannot lose her...she means so much to me

i love u so much^^
sha gua...

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