Sunday, May 16, 2010

Story of today..16th..

today is our big day...
there are some real sad things happened today
but later, sadness gone and happiness comes^^

i woke up today pretty late..saw my phone with lots of msg from her..
she is looking for me....and im useles..hahaha
so later on, we planned about going to my new house with calvin, hui si and qi
and her too of course^^
so than i taught everything is going to be fine and happy
my dad said
"who said i'm going to bring u guys to bertam??"
than im way this is happening..

than after that i sms her..i said cant go..
she replied me sadly...that time my heart straight feel like its crushed by a car..
than i called her..she say cant go nvm..than she hung up..
2nd time call..
hung up..
3rd time..
hung up
that time i've gone crazy..i keep hitting my head at...anything hard..
when i take my lunch...i just finish the white rice in my bowl without any other food..
later i went to my balcony..sat down there..looking at the sky..its very hot out there..
but i dont care..the hot cant compare to the feeling im suffering that time...
looking at the cars and the shiny sky..tears dripping down..
thinking..i've let her down again..why am i such a loser..

looking myself in the mirror..i said to myself.."come be so sad"
i try to smile..but feel like somebody is pulling my lips..cant smile at all..

than later..she said..she is coming to my old house...
when i see heart totally healed..i can finally smile..than i open the room door..
and walk down to the hall...watching badminton...and waiting for her to come^^

wow..luckly she came today..atleast..
my whole person feel so good that time...
no more suffer in my body..

i love her so much...i cant even live a day without her...i cant explain how much i love her..
her heart and my heart its combined now...two of us only got 1 heart...
so hard to separate..
so hard to live when she is not infront of me.. love me this much too right??

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