Monday, May 17, 2010

Very Happy today. .!

Today its considered as the most happiest day of my life..:)
because i went to her house..her parents not in so im allowed^^ haha

so i ask my dad to send me to her house for study..bring along my bag but when i reach threre
never touched it..haha

so when im there..i feel like..the house belongs to us both..
i feel like we live togather^^
wish we can.....

im so happy today i cant describe..being with her...nothing tops that..
i just wish i can spend whole day including the night with her.. still 17..staying with my parents and no driving lame.. im very happy being with you...i wish i can stay with u everyday this way
at your house..^^
just simple..not complicated...just want to love you..
every day..
every hour..
every minute..
every second..
to make you happy forever..:)

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