Monday, May 24, 2010

Ramdom 2..

today exam account and english essay..
and f**k two subject i did real shit..
accounts i did only few..and not even sure i did write or not.. dont even have time..
spend too much time on the first essay..
so the 2nd essay is 350 words..i dont even know i have reach that ammount or not..
and write halfway..nose bleed..held my head up n drink blood...EDWARD!!

so went back usual..on laptop and lay on bed..
so she ask me to go to up floor for study...teach them science..
end up..u know how..end up with a bunch of photos instead of science in our brain...
but we spend some happy times there too^^ she kissed me infront of yu xuan and jolynn...
xuan gone crazy already...hahaha^^

so thats about it...tomorrow exam mandrin i think...hahaha...
im dead!
so..untill next post..^^

mood---->happy^^ smiling:)

because baby is with me..^^ mucks mucksss

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